Caterpillar AR App
These are a couple of screens from a Caterpillar AR app I helped design in Figma for Windows Surface Pro tablets. The first image shows the screen to purchase Caterpillar machine parts, and the second screen shows an AR view of a machine that has a troubled part.
This project was done on a team of three for my Advanced Interaction Design class. The premise of the app is to allow CAT Technicians to scan a machine with that has a broken part with their tablet or smartphone, and then go through troubleshooting steps for that part through their device.
Design wise, it was important to make sure all the elements were visible and readable for an AR space. I specifically worked on the UI of the Windows app store screens. This app, along with other similar apps from the teams in my class, were shown to Caterpillar workers over Microsoft Teams in fall of 2021.